Henard Utility Products began in 1979 as a one-man water meter and gas chlorinator repair business. As years passed, new water meters and chlorinators began to be sold and more new products were added as our contacts across Arkansas multiplied. Eventually, we brought on equipment that municipalities and institutions use for maintenance and day-to-day operations….sewer cleaners, underground TV systems, wood chippers, stump grinders, leaf vacuums, street sweepers, grapple trucks…and we added more people to sell and support that equipment.

    In 1991 we opened a full-line, full-service Kubota equipment dealership which enabled us to offer that brand of product as well, to include backhoes, track hoe excavators, skid steer and track loaders, plus many types of attachments and implements.
    Today, we have a staff of more than 30 people working to present and support all our lines of product to the local community and all across the state of Arkansas. We are totally committed to our customers wherever they are. Our goal is to be the best supplier and supporter of products that we can be. We never lose sight of the fact that the customer is the reason we are here.

    We will always try to go above and beyond the ordinary to meet the needs of our clientele.



    One of our core values is commitment. We are commited to everything our compmany offers, and when you have commitment it equals success.



    We continue development of our products and service, which allows us to stay cutting edge and helps us keep customers successful in all that they do.



    Continued service; we don't forget you, we will always continue to help and service you. It is our commitment to you, and always will be.